Painful periods are very common, and you know what? We are here to reassure you and help you find solutions because it’s not always normal or ‘just your period’!

Normal symptoms

Normal symptoms include pain in the lower tummy (can occasionally spread to your back and legs), headaches, tiredness, breast tenderness, nausea, bloating and/ or change in emotions.

The pain usually occurs the day before or on the day of your period and worsens in the first 24 hours.

Tips to relieve pain

To help relieve pain we recommend you stay active, give yourself a gentle massage and practice relaxation techniques.

Warmth! Your lower tummy will thank you for it, you can use a hot water bottle - this will help your muscles relax.

You can also take painkillers, taking the first dose as soon as periods start may prevent pain from building up! You can get some Ibuprofen (interacts with the hormones causing the pain), Paracetamol or both in combination.

You can also use contraception if period pains are a monthly thing. The combined contraceptive pill, patch, or ring can help regulate heavy periods as well as their frequency. If the combined pill is not suitable for you, the progesterone only (mini pill), implant, or the injection are other possible options. The hormonal coil (intrauterine system, or IUS) can sometimes help reduce pain and bleeding during periods as it releases a tiny dose of hormones.

Finally if you wish to stay off medication you can get your hands on a TENS machine that uses an electrical current to interfere with pain signals.

If you have any questions about this, just message us!

Talk to a doctor,

If your period pains can’t be controlled with painkillers or a hot water bottle, if you experience fever, vaginal discharge, sudden severe abdominal pain, pain during sex or bleeding between periods or after sex. Get in contact with us, and we will give you an initial diagnosis and point you towards the right direction.

Painful periods should always be looked into. Don’t let anyone tell you that it’s ‘just your period’, don’t be shy to ask us questions, we are here to help 🙏