Hangovers can feel like the ‘worst thing’ in the world, we know. Do you feel like you have a headache, nausea, anxiety, ceaseless thirst, cravings or feel very irritable? Then it’s most likely a hangover!

There is no magic cure but the main cause of a hangover is dehydration. The toxic chemical ethanol works to make you urinate more, hence causing this dehydration.

Hangover prevention tips

  • Have a meal before you drink, it will slow down the absorption of alcohol and help protect your stomach lining
  • Avoid dark coloured alcohol as it contains chemicals which irritate blood vessels and brain tissue
  • Drink water between alcholic drinks, and a 500ml (of water!) before going to bed
  • Know the units of how much you are drinking, the UK government guideline is 14 units weekly and spread over 3 or more days

Tips to rehydrate quickly

  • Drink lots of water, soup, or even rehydration salts
  • Hair of the dog is not actually a good idea, as it doesn’t let your brain and liver recover
  • Replace your lost vitamins and minerals, e.g. potassium from bananas

Tips to treat nausea

  • Ginger
  • Dry biscuits
  • Ice-cold water
  • Salty food
  • Avoid fatty foods or sugar
  • Eat smaller, more frequent meals

Tips for headaches

Simple painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen (although avoid on an empty stomach).

Don’t be shy to ask questions to our doctors about these tips, we are here to help, advise and educate 🥰